Summer research

I've got a busy summer planned, work wise. I am teaching two classes, one of which will be wholly on-line. I'm also trying to put my feet to the fire in order to get some writing and research done. I've four "lines" of research going on right now:

1. Continuing to contribute to some qualtitative/qualitative research with some colleagues about ethics and assessment.
2. Beginning a small, grant funded research project on the "moon school" project my students present as their final exam. With some student help, I am going to do some qualatative analysis so look for some commonalities between them. Despite the fact that the schools can be really anything the students want them to be, they end up being a lot like schools today. I find that interesting.
3. Expanding my dissertation research on judgment and epistemology. I've begun to look closer at Catherine Elgin's epistemolgy, particularly at her concept of understanding. Can understanding be an educational goal? How is that different from knowledge?
4. Continue to think about philosophy of education and film.

I've been focused on #3 thus far. It's the most "purely" philosophical and is therefor the most fun for me in a number of ways. One of the things I need to work on in my research is establishing my identity as a scholar. The epistemology project speaks to that the loudest, I think. Still, each of the other three is fun in their own way.


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