Overcoming the little things

I am glad that I don't have to punch a clock; I am grateful I don't have one of those jobs that, if you are fifteen minutes late you get "written up." (I am looking at you, Barnes and Noble).

I left the house in plenty of time this morning to get to work and get going by 8:30. That's a feat in itself with Eleanor, since Sarah and I are still working on our morning division of labor. I just had one thing to do before I came to the office. I needed to deposit a check at the ATM. I stopped by the downtown Wachovia, which is on my way. It was closed for service. No problem, because there is another ATM just up the street from my office. The way across Main Street was blocked by a train, so I went the other way and turned up Oakland Ave, which was also blocked by a train -- a different train! I could see the end of this one, so I thought I would just wait it out. But the last car of the train stopped in the middle of the intersection, blocking the road. I joined the U-turn exodus of cars, hooked around to Charlotte Ave, then went to the bank near the office. Now I am here, after parking across campus again to get in a little walk.

I'd like to think my often sour demeanor is improving, because not so long ago a morning of roadblocks like this would have put me in a bad mood for the whole day. Not now. Now, it's 9:10 AM, I am at work, have a big pile of stuff to work on, have a wonderful daughter and wife at home, and generally am looking forward to the day.


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